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Heddon Street

Heddon Street

Ward: West End

Streets Affected: Heddon Street, Regent Street

Project Type: Developer and third party funded

Project Overview

In 1995, parts of Heddon Street were pedestrianised using high quality materials. The scheme, funded by The Crown Estate, created an alfresco area and was considered a success.

Improvements to the streetscape in Heddon Street included:

  • Resurfacing and extending the existing pedestrianised area
  • Upgrading the street lighting and drainage
  • Providing two rising security bollards at the junction of Heddon Street and Regent Street to enforce the proposed vehicular restrictions and to improve public safety
  • Making Heddon Street a pedestrianised zone between the hours of 12:00 noon and 3:00am and creating a shared surface area using high grade materials


Works completed

Outline Programme

Completed November 2009

Project Documents


    On Hold
    Design Stage
    In Consultation
    Works on site
    Works completed