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Keeping disruption to the minimum

Keeping disruption to the minimum

Piccadilly Two Way Scheme - Business needs

The works will be organised to minimise the effects on businesses, with their access being maintained at all times. However, the works may cause a temporary reduction in the width of the pedestrian walkways and may also affect the waiting and loading provision in the area.

Please use the form below to tell us a little about your business and its servicing needs and we will endeavour to ensure that we limit the impact of the works as much as possible.

We would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during the construction of these important streetscape improvements.

Name of your Business:
Your Name:
Contact number:
Email Address:
Business Address:
Type of business:
Access requirements:
Please add any comments that you want to pass on, or that you think we should be made aware of:


  • Concept
  • Feasibility
  • In Consultation
  • Design Stage
  • Works due
  • Works on site
  • Works completed