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Hyde Park Estates Local Safety Improvements - Southwick Place

Hyde Park Estates Local Safety Improvements - Southwick Place

Ward: Hyde Park

Streets Affected: Southwick Place

Project Type: Traffic, Safety & Parking

Project Overview

The aim of the Hyde Park Estates Scheme is to introduce improvements to the current highway infrastructure for vulnerable road users.

Long-standing safety concerns have been raised by ward members and residents around the difficulties pedestrians have in crossing the local road network in and around Hyde Park Ward.

By undertaking safety improvements to the issues brought about by local feedback, pedestrian safety would be enhanced with the introduction of crossing facilities for vulnerable road users. These measures would also provide a highway that has a better balance between motorist and pedestrian usage.

The key objectives of this scheme are to mitigate potential conflicts for vulnerable road users, provide a better level of service, be environmentally sustainable and long-lasting.


Works on site

Outline Programme

2nd November - 30th November 2023

Project Documents


    On Hold
    Design Stage
    In Consultation
    Works on site
    Works completed