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Bomber Command Memorial

Bomber Command Memorial

Ward: St James's

Streets Affected: Duke Of Wellington Place, Piccadilly

Project Type: Developer and third party funded

Project Overview

Planning permission for the implementation of a memorial to commemorate the Bomber Command was granted by Westminster City Council in August 2011.

The Memorial is located in Piccadilly near the junction with Duke of Wellington Place and is expected to be completed by June 2012.

The Memorial Trust have asked Westminster City Council to undertake the design and implementation of highway works required to accommodate the memorial. A section of the necessary highway works lies on highway maintained by Transport for London. In order to achieve a co-ordinated approach to the highway works Transport for London have agreed that Westminster City Council can undertake the works on its highway.

The highway improvements include the following:

  • Footway repaving on the southern footway of Piccadilly immediately east of Duke of Wellington Street;
  • Installation of 4 new lamp columns;
  • Relocation of the existing bus stand on the southern side of Piccadilly immediately east of Duke of Wellington Place;
  • Installation of 2 new trees in front of the proposed Memorial; and
  • Relocation of a direction sign on the approach from Piccadilly to Duke of Wellington Place.


Works completed

Outline Programme

Works completed on the 17th July 2012.

Project Documents


    On Hold
    Design Stage
    In Consultation
    Works on site
    Works completed