Ward: West End
Streets Affected: Denman Street, Sherwood Street
Project Type: Developer and third party funded
Project Overview
The proposed Quadrant works will be funded by the developer under the terms of a Section 106 agreement. Atkins Consultants Ltd is the designer of the scheme with West One providing technical advice and reviewing the thresholds, feasibility and detailed designs.
The Quadrant works include:
- Pedestrianisation of Glasshouse Street, between Air Street and Piccadilly Circus;
- Pedestrianisation of Sherwood Street, between Denman Street and Glasshouse Street;
- Reversal of traffic flow along Denman Street from westbound to eastbound;
- Resurfacing of associated highways with natural stone finishes;
- Increased footway width where practicable;
- Street lighting improvements;
- Reduction of street clutter;
- Improved access for mobility impaired; and
- Review and rationalisation of existing servicing arrangements.
Works completed
Outline Programme
February 2011 - December 2012
Project Documents
There are no documents available for this project
On Hold
Design Stage
In Consultation
Works on site
Works completed