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LSS Rochester Road & Greycoat Place

LSS Rochester Road & Greycoat Place

Ward: St James's

Streets Affected: Greycoat Place

Project Type: Traffic, Safety & Parking

Project Overview

As part of the Local Safety Scheme Programme for 2019/2020 the junction of Rochester Road and Greycoat Place was been identifed as a loction where the number of collisions, especially those involving vulnerable road users.

The works have been spilt into three phases. The first two phases have been completed and these included, footway widening on Greycoat Place, improvements to the existing zebra crossing, improving the informal crossing facilities at the junction of Horseferry Road and resurfacing of Greycoat Place (east of junction with Rochester Row), Great Peter Street and Horseferry Road. The third phase is proposed to take in July once No. 10 Greycoat Place redevelopment has been completed. This phase will include footway widening outside No. 5 Greycoat Place, converting the existing mini roundabout to a roundabout with a physical centre, rebuilding the islands on Greycoat Place (west arm) for the additional zebra crossing, rebuilding the pedestrian island on Rochester Row and finally resurfacing the remaining carriageway. This includes Greycoat Place (west arm), part of Greycoat Place (east arm) Rochester Row, Artillery Row, Greencoat Place and Spencer Place.


Works on site

Outline Programme

The third phase is proposed to take in July 2024, once No. 10 Greycoat Place redevelopment has been completed

Project Documents

There are no documents available for this project


    On Hold
    Design Stage
    In Consultation
    Works on site
    Works completed